AN CAFE LIVE TOUR 2010 キング オブ 原宿ダンスロック / KING OF HARAJUKU DANCE ROCK~いきなりニャッピーレジェンド / IKINARI NYAPPY REJEND~ Jan 4th at Nippon Budokan
On January 4th, it was AN CAFE, who had been anticipated to be standing on the stage of Nippon Budokan for long - a stage which can't be overlooked by any musician. And for the 4th of January this stage belonged all to these 5 people - miku, takuya, kanon, yu-ki and teruki.
For all the Caffekkos in the world musicJAPANplus presents you the happenings of this event, which needs to be remembered!
For 6 years now, AN CAFE had been rushing through their lives as musician without a break, but before they will be standing on this stage again, there will be a little time for preparation. Until then, please take in this memory, which the band member would like their Caffekos to keep of them.
It is January 4th, 2010, 6pm. Around the Budokan Area there is no room, as the place is completely occupied with Caffekkos. To show all their love towards the band members they are dressed in colorful costumes, waiting to see the band standing on this one stage eventually. With the passing of the opening time, the lights which had been shining on the smiles on each of the Caffekko's faces, gradually faded. From the sides of the stage smoke arose in large clouds and from the high ceiling lights brightened the hall once again. To the newly lit stage yu-ki and teruki entered the scene. After meeting at the center with a powerful clap of hands-to-hands the two of them each took their position. Following were kanon and takuya, and all four of them faced the microphone stand, which was standing in the spotlight, brightly lit.
When miku showed himself from in between the keyboard and the drum set, the hall, which had been completely quiet until now, erupted with screams and cheers.
With thunderous sounds from the drum set, the temperature in the hall shot up as flames arose on stage with a blast. The song decorating the beginning of this set was [覚醒ヒロイズム~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~ / KAKUSEI HEROISM~THE HERO WITHOUT A "NAME"~], to which the faces of each member were shown on large screens to each side of the stage. As takuya and yu-ki played together the rhythmical parts, the audience moved their hands left and right, swinging to it. After having shown this first song of the evening, AN CAFÉ continued with their [逃避回路 / Tohi Kairo] and red lights shone onto takuya, emphasizing his part and strengthening this certain feeling of tension. With a shout from miku the stage filled with smoke once again and he repeated his lyrics with a fast tongue to which teruki's drum play sped up as well. However, for the chorus, it was yu-ki's keyboard which put the hall back into a more relaxed atmosphere.
„Budokan, NYAPPY! Today is yours and our wedding! After having been on a date for 6 years now, it is about time to get married, and it is due to all of you that we were able to understand this much! I think that you are the ones, who told us not to give up trying! Thank you! Well, with this, please listen to our very first single [キャンデーホリック / CANDY HOLIC] "
What began after miku's MC was AN CAFE's very first single, which had been released about 5 years ago, on March 24th in 2004 and the hall was filled with screams and cheers there on! The audience followed miku's choreography in complete unison, as it was performed by the vocalist on stage. After having shown their feeling as one in such a complete shape [テケスタ光線 / TEKESUTA KOUSEN] followed - a song known and loved for it's mix of Japanese sounds and techno beats within the intro. Rainbow lights spread through the hall, lighting the venue and the audience, as takuya went to the front of the stage, closer to the fans. kanon sprinted along the cat walk which extended the stage on each side left and right, up to the standing area. With continuous power the band went into the next song, which was [Cherry咲く勇気!! / Cherry Saku Yu-ki!!]. The cherry blossoms dancing on the screens untied the venue from the current season and showed yet another beauty.
„Budokan! This feels so absolutely awesome! All together, let's keep heating this up! This is [エスカピズム / Escapism] !!"
Instead of miku, it was takuya's time for the title call! miku's voice took over right after kanon's bass had made the entry to the song with full force. The hall was flooded with red, blue and darker blue lights, but as the speed of the performance increased, one side of the stage was bathed in pale white lights. teruki's drums finished off this song and the hall went dark completely. In the middle of the echoing screams of the band member's names, a warm orange beam of light reached down to the position of yu-ki. Gentle piano sounds dripped from the keys melodiously. miku stood by his side and in a slightly higher voice he sang this duet with the instrument. With his rising voice to a phrase of the music, teruki hit his drumsticks against each other, counting in for guitar, bass, keyboard and himself on the drums for the band's next song [ベストアパート / Best Apart]. With increasing force, the stage lit up again and the faces of the band members could be seen clearly from the audience seats.
„The 6 years we have been passing with all of our Caffekkos have been nothing but happiness for us. Still, until now, there were times when I thought about putting down these tasks as a musician. There is this letter directed towards myself like this. There are probably lonely places in all of us, so please listen to this... [alone] "
With his hand around the microphone stand, miku lowered his head. takuya had changed to an acoustic guitar, playing it gently to those lyrics full of sadness. Around the vocalist green lights lit up in numbers circling him completely. From the back, teruki's drums could be heard like a hand, reaching out for salvation. At last, only yu-ki's lonely piano sounds echoed through the hall, his eyes turned away from everyone. With the final tunes subsiding, applause rose from the audience seats.
"Welcome to this Live House called Budokan! (*1) Today, I would like to dance, to rejoice and go crazy with all of you together!"
Kanon took the microphone as yu-ki stood with his keyboard between the drumset and the band began their medley titled [エトセトラ the 武道館 / Et cetera the Budokan]. The fans in the hall battled with the band, when shouting „ L・O・V・E ニャッピー!" in between the song. takuya's and yu-ki's voices were raised just alike and quickly the different melodies and moods were succeeding each other. It was miku who was rapidly increasing the excitement with each passing minute and it completely overflowed, when [LOCK ON ☆ザ☆ 御NEW世界 / LOCK ON the O NEW Sekai] and [NYAPPY in the world 4~般ニャ化教のテーマ~ / NYAPPY in the world 4 ~HANNYAKA-KYO no Theme~] followed quickly thereafter.
*1 - 23 years ago, in July 2nd in 1986, Himuro Kyousuke of BOφWY had been creating this signature phrase. It has become a well liked saying among various artists when standing on this one stage of Nippon Budokan.
„Today, we are playing our very first live at Nippon Budokan, yet I think I have experienced this view before! That's what's going on in my head right now. (laughs) "
After having conveyed his feelings about standing on stage of Nippon Budokan, the band went into the second half of the set with [ダッグのマジカルアドベンチャー / Duck no Magical Adventure]. While miku was holding a doll in his one hand, takuya and kanon ran across the cat walks. The vocalist's voice mimicked the sounds of a duck, and the audiences went along, opening their arms widely like blossoming flowers. Trashing his head about greatly, yu-ki's fingers rushed across the keys of his instrument. All of them were smiling widely. In between this song and the next, yu-ki got everyone excited with his imitations of onstage happenings in Nippon Budokan with various contents, before continuing with and dancing to [3P] and eventually [AROMA], descending into a more subtle world of AN CAFÉ. With the beginning of [武士道と云ふは死ぬ事と見付けたり / Bushido to Iu wa Shinukoto to Mitsuketari] the audience's enthusiasm extended equally as much as yuki's, while teruki and kanon fully went into rocking with their parts.
„Thank you all so much for today! Until today and from today on, you will always be our treasure. "
The melody was overflowing in miku's voice as he said "To 'you' who I love [MY ♡ LEAPS FOR "C"]" Under rising cheers, yu-ki started playing his synthesizer sounds and bright lights streamed through the venue. During the chorus, pink paper snow starts drizzling onto the audiences seats. When looking closely, one noticed that it was actually heart shaped, and much like a love confession from the band members.
The band disappears from stage , but the calls for „もう一杯/ Once More Please!" rose quickly. Apart from a few misses, the shouts came in complete unison from each and every Caffeko alike. Under the continuous calls, the band members returned on stage. Starting with takuya's guitar [YOU] began with a million lights breaking in the mirror ball and painting the picture of a star lit night. Certainly there were many Caffekkos who were moved deeply by miku's gentle voice, as he never once took his eyes away from the audience. His and the fans' eyes met as he reached out his hands towards them, singing "ここにいるために 君は生まれてきたんだ/ you have been born to be in this place" in an imaginary dialogue with the audience.
„The next song represents our BondS with you. With this song in mind, please come and crash with us! We are sending this out to you in remembrance of the past 6 years. "
Unfolding the towels in their hands, coloring the seat area all in red, the fans faced the stage intently. With crashing drums on teruki's part, the song began and the fans started swinging the towels in their hands. Strengthening said bonds between both parties [BondS~絆~ / BondS~Kizuna~] raised the excitement yet again within the hall. miku, takuya and kanon move about the wide stage in different directions, getting in touch more with the audience.
„I would like to ask you all to keep smiling from here on!"
„Don't stop!!" came the pleading voices from the audience, which was probably not just a demand from a single Caffekko. However, this is the path the band had chosen to take. And the song they had chosen to be the last before going into their break was [スマイル一番イイ♀ / Smile Ichiban Ii ♀]. The sounds were blasting from yu-ki's keyboard, takuya's guitar and teruki's drums, while kanon's bass deepened the melody. As miku's singing subsided, the lyrics were sung by the audiences, like a perfect cover. Each second of this performance, would remain a long lasting memory to everyone in this set, much longer than usual. And it ended how it began, with yu-ki's keyboard, as the melodies connected to the future of AN CAFÉ. "We are the amazing Harajuku Dance Rock Band!!!" miku shouted, marking the end of this show.
Each of the band members stood in the center of the wide stage under the steady calls for each of them echoing from the venue. One after another they expressed their feelings towards it all.
teruki „Thank you for today. There have been songs with very familiar beats; however, for a while now you will have to be patient now. I have been thinking a lot about this situation. However, I have always enjoyed playing drums when everyone is having fun. This kind of thinking is also a part of AN CAFÉ. Please take this as a word from us to all you, our Caffekkos, our staff and to the band members as well: Thank You! We will return when we have grown up, so, if you like, please wait for us until then. "
Yu-ki „Thank you for today! We won't be able to meet for a while now, but there is something I would like to tell you, until we return. (laughs) I have received a lot of fan letters, which said that my choreography is easy to remember and the 'thank yous' for that. However, when I had just become a member of AN CAFÉ and saw the movements of the Caffekkos, I thought's I'd die before remembering them all. I received letters saying that I should always face forward and I have come accustomed to looking ahead. I want to say thank you for this in return!"
Kanon „6 years have come to pass and although there have been hard times as well, it was a happy time nonetheless. Living and working as AN CAFÉ has made it a rule for everyone to be a bit happier, and in that sense and with that meaning, I think I have been living it. "
takuya „There have been lots of lonesome feelings. But having been able to meet all of you became my wealth. It has only been two years for me, however, I would like to thank you either way. Therefore, see you soon! "
Miku „I have come to live for 25 years now and I can say that today was the happiest days of all. I was moved with feelings, I had a lot of fun and there were so many emotions, which had me connected with the band members, the staff and of course together with and thanks to all of you, our Caffekkos. Until now, all of our lives have been like continuous dates, but today I really feel like we celebrated a wedding. And as for marriage it is about getting through the troublesome parts together as well, isn't it. Therefore, we would like you to look at us like that, because you are keeping us alive!"
And while the five of them were left on stage like that, they waved their hands at the Caffekkos to the background melodies of [スマイル一番イイ♀ / Smile Ichiban Ii ♀], the song miku had just sung himself a moment ago. And the audience raised their voices to that of choir, singing the song again. Gradually those voices grew and the five band members covered their faces with the towels.
At last, the phrase "君は僕の太陽さ / To me you are my sun" joined all the voices in the hall completely, all arms extended towards the stage, unmistakably showing that miku, takuya, kanon, yu-ki and takeru are the suns in each of the Caffekko's hearts.
For sure, until they return to standing on stage and meeting everyone again, this feeling will not change.
AN CAFE LIVE TOUR 2010 キング オブ 原宿ダンスロック / KING OF HARAJUKU DANCE ROCK~いきなりニャッピーレジェンド / IKINARI NYAPPY REJEND~ Jan 4th at Nippon Budoukan
2.逃避回路 / Tohi Kairo
3.キャンデーホリック / CANDY HOLIC
5.Cherry咲く勇気!! / Cherry Saku Yu-ki!!
6.エスカピズム / Escapism
7.ベストアパート / Best Apart
9.エトセトラ the 武道館 / Et cetera the Budokan
10.LOCK ON ☆ザ☆ 御NEW世界 / LOCK ON the O NEW Sekai
11.NYAPPY in the world 4~般ニャ化教のテーマ~ / NYAPPY in the world 4 ~HANNYAKA-KYO no Theme~
12.ダッグのマジカルアドベンチャー / Duck no Magical Adventure
15.武士道と云ふは死ぬ事と見付けたり / Bushido to Iu wa Shinukoto to Mitsuketari
EN2.BondS~絆~ / BondS~Kizuna~
EN3.スマイル一番イイ♀ / Smile Ichiban Ii ♀

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